My Reaction to Sherlock: Season One

This is totally irrelevant to the rest of this post but when we were in Vietnam, my dad casually told one of his friends that I was a "Yellow Banana". Cue my WTF face. I was all like, "did you just refer to your daughter as a bright yellow, tropical fruit?" But when I asked him later, he said it was because I was yellow on the outside but white on the inside. It took a while for me to process but then I laughed and said,

So. After much nagging from Tian, I finally got through Season 1 of Sherlock. Okay, "got through" makes it sound like such an ordeal or something but really it wasn't. Plus there were only 3 episodes so it's not like I had to slog through a whole bunch of filler episodes or anything like that.

I liked it but at this point in time, it is not a full-out, IMMA HAVE YER BABIES type of love. It's not the show; it's me. I've been feeling a strange sort of disconnect with everything I've watched recently. I can't seem to get through Season 4 of True Blood or bring myself to start the new series of Doctor Who. Oh wait, there was that one Korean drama I watched a few weeks ago... Answer Me 1997. It was literally the only Korean drama I watched last year but was considered by many to be one of the best dramas of 2012. If I find time, I might blog about it... or not, considering I have 6 tutor classes to take next week.

But I digress.

Episode 1 of Sherlock was great. I think. Hard to tell really since I watched THE WRONG PILOT. (Tian, you should have warned me. This is all your fault dammit). Episode 2 was kind of boring and also a bit uncomfortable to watch to be honest. It wasn't bad per se and I appreciated their efforts to include a bit of cultural diversity in the show but someone really needs to tell the writers that if they want to include Asian people in a storyline, they don't always have to include stuff like gangs, smuggling, ninja acrobatics, jade artifacts, teapot ceremonies, stilted accents and a weird Chinese lady trying to sell you a lucky cat in a seedy part of Chinatown, okay? (Read this article if you want a more humorous explanation of the "orientalism" of the 2nd episode. The word makes me laugh btw. Orientalism. Reminds me of Fantastic Noodles.) Plus the plot was kind of boring. Did I mention that? Third episode on the other hand was BLOODY FANTASTIC. Can't reveal any more because I might spoil it but jaysus, that ending.

And I love how the writers mess around with the undertones of Sherlock and Bilbo's John's relationship. But because I care for you guys, I'm going to have to warn youse not to type "Sherlock and John" into Google Images unless you're into some very, uh, overzealous, explicit fan art.


John: I'm glad no one saw that.

Sherlock: Mmm?

John: You ripping off my clothes in a darkened swimming pool. People might talk.

Sherlock: They do nothing else. 
Like best quote ever or best quote ever?

To end this post, I'm going to post up a list of my predictions for Season 2 (which will most likely be greatly inaccurate and cause me much embarassment when I read over them after finishing the season). Here they are:
  • Moriarty will continue annoying everyone in the second season with his strangely feminine, high-pitched voice. Oh, and with his evil and dastardly plans too.
  • John Watson will receive a fatal injury and in the last moments of his life, will confess his undying love for Sherlock who will most likely say something like, "Emotions - such an unnecessary state of the human existence. I find that having them often clogs up my mind.".
  • An important female character will be introduced. She is most likely going to try to seduce Sherlock who, as always, will remain oblivious.
  • There will be an episode titled "The Immense Hyperbole". I don't know why but it sounded pretty cool in my mind.
  • Ms Hudson is secretly Sherlock's long lost Grandma, posing as the landlady in order to keep an eye on her her grandson.
  • Or maybe she's a secret spy working for Moriarty who aims to murder Sherlock bit by bit with poisoned tea.
  • There will be more "ethnic-focused" episodes.
  • There will be more episodes in which I find that my puny brain cannot handle all the clues and ,revelations so it will spontaneously combust.
  • There will be more episodes which highlight London in all its glory and which will make me curse my parents for choosing for the wrong country to become a refugee in. JK. I luf Australia (most of the time).


scamps at: January 24, 2013 at 4:04 PM said...

TRIVIA!!! Did you know the actress for Mrs Hudson (Una Stubbs) actually knew Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock) when he was a kid? Something like Una knew his mum from some filming thing... i think but yeah

Cynthia at: January 25, 2013 at 8:59 AM said...

Oh haha cool! That's kind of sweet that they're working together and Mrs Hudson is always taking care of Sherlock too.

Cynthia at: January 25, 2013 at 8:59 AM said...

Oh haha cool! That's kind of sweet that they're working together and Mrs Hudson is always taking care of Sherlock too.

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