Chocolate and Vanilla Swirl, Swirl

Apparently my last post was on the 12 September. Yikes. It might have been because I was busy but if I have to be honest, I think it was more the fact that I just...didn't feel like blogging. I also had tons of other stuff I wanted to do. Like watch Orange Is The New Black.

When my uni friend recommended this show to me, I kind of gave a half-hearted promise that I would watch it. It was mainly because I hadn't heard much of it and the lack of buzz put me off. Also the fact that she didn't give me much besides "It's about lesbians in prison." Then William suggested it and there was a moment when I was on the train a few weeks ago and I heard this girl behind me gushing about it to her friend. So I caved and watched the first episode.
I don't really feel like blogging a whole lot about it so I'll just talk vaguely about some random things. It probably won't make much sense to people who don't watch the show but that's okay. I feel like putting these thoughts down somewhere.
First of all, I liked the show. I liked that it tried to give representation to those groups of people who are usually marginalised in American tv shows. The diversity was refreshing although I do feel like it reflects badly on American media that the only time black and Hispanic Americans are given fair representation is in a tv show about prison. I mean, really?
Let's talk about Suzanne/"Crazy Eyes". She scared the shit out of me at the beginning. Mostly because I thought she was insane enough to want to murder Piper in her sleep. I mean, the woman peed on her floor in vengeance. But then she started to grow on me and when she was talking to Piper about how people tie her down when she's upset so she doesn't float away - that just broke my heart. Also, her poem was one of my favourite parts of the show:
Before I met you, the sun was like a yellow grape.
But now, it looks like fire in the sky.
Why? Because you light a fire inside me.

So yay, hooray for Crazy Eyes. I can see why she's such a favourite character for so many people.
Pennsatucky. That bitch is crazy. But then again, so is Piper. Her character intrigues me though - (Pennsatucky - not Piper). I don't even know why but that scene where she walks into the courtroom with the magical Christian defence lawyer was one of my favourites. It's also especially ironic considering she got an abortion just before she committed the crime.
Speaking of favourite scenes - here's a list of some other ones that particularly caught my attention:
  • The moment where Larry is narrating/talking to the radio host about Piper's gaol experiences. I liked that there was a moment of there where it felt like the show was going all meta on us. I can't remember the exact lines but it might have had something to do with how every person at the goal has got their own story to tell. I thought it was beautifully shot and narrated.
  • Any scene with Taystee and Poussey. Speaking of these two... what do you get when you put their names together and say it really quick??
  • That scene where the yoga lady talks about her backstory. God, poor woman.
  • When Piper lays it down for the delinquent kid. And then crazy Pennsatucky walks in and tackles her for good measure - just in case the kid wasn't traumatised enough.
I also really like Red (although her sabotaging in the last episode wasn't one of her finest moments). Like a lot of the other inmates, she's a very interesting combination of strength and vulnerability. I like that she looks out for the other girls and takes pride in her cooking. I also like that she accidentally popped that other Russian lady's fake boob. Oh and this:
LOL I don't even know.
So in short, Orange is the New Black is a pretty fantastic show and I'm glad I watched it.

"Speeches" by Walk Off the Earth


If Mumford & Sons and Beirut got drunk at a party, fooled around in the backseat of someone's car and managed to conceive a love child, this would be it. I don't even care that it's cheesy. I don't even care that it's full of clichés. All I know is that I fucking love this song and video and if I could, I would bottle it up and go around spraying its awesomeness into people's faces until the whole world was infected with my happiness. Also, 3:22 kicks me right in the gut every time.  

"Echo" - Jason Walker


Hello blog, yes I am still alive and no I haven't ditched you for tumblr. Our relationship is much too deep for that.
I still think Australian TV is the shittiest thing to have ever happened to this planet so I started watching The Vampire Diaries again. Is that statement ironic? I don't know. It took me a while to get back into it and no surprise too, considering I stopped watching in like, 2010. It's okay despite being rather tame, and like most teen dramas, the actors are mighty easy on the eyes (like hello Michael Trevino!). However, it also feels a bit like a placeholder show while I wait for something better to come around. Any suggestions? I hear "Orange is the New Black" is worth checking out.
My blog views spiked in the last few days and I'm kind of freaked out, especially since I haven't posted anything in two weeks. When I see spikes like these, my mind automatically assumes it's one of two things: 1) either there has been a rise in a particular google search for an image that is on my blog or 2) people/students from either of my workplaces have discovered this space and sharing it around. Oh gosh, please don't be the latter.

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