Cynthia Watches The Walking Dead

What would you do if you found yourself in the midst of a zombie apocalypse? Would you:

a) camp out in your house and try to survive on canned beans and stale biscuits for however long it'll take for someone to rescue you?

b) smear yourself with blood and guts from a decomposing corpse and try to blend in with the general undead populace?

c) make your way to the nearest human sanctuary where you will try to assist scientists in finding a cure? Or...

d) go do something totally stupid and unnecessary like wander into the most infested area of the city in order to rescue a redneck who you don't even like - especially a racist one who's previously threatened to blow your face off or something.

Guess which option the people in The Walking Dead chose?

So me watching The Walking Dead consists of: 5% sitting down and calmly enjoying the show and 95% screaming and chucking things at the TV screen, much to the amusement of my dad.

This is why I can't watch horror movies; because there is only so much stupidity I can stand from the characters. What do you mean you want to go check out the dark, boarded-up room in the basement? Why in the flying fuck would you adopt that creepy, little girl? How can the words "Keep Out: Evil Spirit in Residence" not ring any alarm bells in your head?  ARE YOU STUPID?? ARE YOU BLIND?? ARE YOU REALLY THAT BORED WITH YOUR LIFE??

People are so strange. Especially people in horror movies.

Aside from lots of stupid people doing even stupider things, TWD is actually quite a good show. Production is pretty tight, effects are disgustingly realistic and - why hello there Mark from Love Actually...

Please excuse me while I go do some google image-ing.

TWD reminds me of Game of Thrones in that every episode makes you feel like you're watching a blockbuster movie. It doesn't have the same scale of epic-ness that GoT has (what other TV show travels all the way to Scotland/Morocco/Ireland to film its episodes?) but you can tell it definitely wasn't cheap to make. I'm not saying that money automatically makes a great, addictive show but I suppose it doesn't hurt.
I'm only up to episode 3 right now so I don't really have that much to say. I did laugh though when they managed to script sex into one of the previous episodes. You'd think a zombie apocalypse would be a pretty effective neutralizer of libido but apparently not? hahahaha.
Oh and speaking of TV shows, Doctor Who and Game of Thrones are returning soon. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! And David Tennant and Billie Piper are returning for the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. Double yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!
And yes I did just type out "double yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay" on my blog. Watcha gonna do about it??

"The Power of Love" by Gabrielle Aplin


This is going to be a really short post since there are about 20,476 other things I should be doing right about now... like getting verbally abused by journalist-haters.
Okay, so no-one has actually "verbally abused" me just yet but I do know other journalism students who have been told point-blank by their sources that they hate journalists and the media. Ouch. Even though I haven't been on the receiving end of that kind of animosity, I do know that I've unintentionally frustrated/pissed-off quite a few others. What can I do? That's my job. I have to ring up and badger people. I have to swallow my pride and email random strangers. I have to ask you for your name and contact details. Otherwise the university accuses me of fabricating sources.
This is why it's so hard for me. I'm innately quite a shy and sensitive person I suppose, even though I've learned to bury that part of me for quite some time now. At the same time, I haven't managed to bury it completely - I still get the occasional panic-attack right before I have to call up an institution or person. I think part of it also comes from being a student and knowing that you don't have much authority or sway just yet. I don't think real journalists have this problem as much as I do.
There is a blog that I am supposed to post in at least once a week for journalism. It's a public blog that all tutors and journalism students can read. Needless to say, I haven't used it much... I'd much rather be word-vomiting in this space right here.

Imagine This

You ever been hit by a 200 ton, unstoppable elephant on rollerblades? Well that's kind of how I felt when I got that phone call at 4pm today.

So imagine that you've spent three weeks working on an assignment for university. Imagine that you've been spending all your available time calling up sources, arranging meetings, attending workshops and cross-checking your facts - facing possible rejection at every turn. Imagine that you've reached the end of the research phase and you're all set to start writing your article which by the way, is going to be worth 30% of your subject grade. Imagine that you're extremely nervous about this assignment because it would go towards your likelihood of making it into law next year.


You know that scene in Mean Girls where Regina gets hit by the bus? Guess who feels like Regina in this case?

Thank god I've got some really supportive uni friends to rant to. Thank god I've got my girlies and whatsapp. I seriously don't know what I would be doing if I had to get through this on my own.

P.S. Fiona, I totally agree. We need to find a day to hang out and just chat about life, careers and other depressing things.

P.P.S. Annie, I got your message :) Thanks for the support! It really made my day (although it wasn't long before my day kind of went downhill haha). I miss hanging out with you and chatting! We need to catch up as well.

Red Hands - Walk Off the Earth


It feels like forever since I last posted a music video. Then again, it's felt like forever since I started university or stopped being carefree. Not sure if I mentioned this before but being an adult sucks ass.
I've realised that I'm always in the shittiest moods in the mornings and nighttime is when I'm the happiest. I think that's because my first reaction in the mornings is, "Oh shit. What am I doing with my life?" and then gradually over the day, I condition myself to think that everything will be all right and that I can actually cope with stuff. The cycle repeats itself everyday so I'm always going through these extreme highs and lows. It's like a mild form of repetitive bipolar.
On to a lighter note, I finally started watching Series 7 of Doctor Who. Yay finally! I forgot how much I missed the Ponds, the TARDIS and Matt Smith. Yes even Matt Smith. Somewhere along the way, his hyperactiveness must have grown on me Here is a picture to celebrate:

Not quite sure yet why they are in New York (?) but it was still a nice picture.
I missed Doctor Who's campiness. I really did. After watching stuff like Downton Abbey and Game of Thrones, coming back to the weirdly surreal world of Doctor Who did give me whiplash but it was good whiplash, not the bad kind. It felt like coming home (I know, the cheese, I'm drowning in it).
Okay I stop with the smushiness now. Have a good day everyone.

A Strangely Accurate Horoscope

I was flipping through The Daily Telegraph in order to become more "educated" and shit for this journalism course I'm doing when I came across a strangely accurate horoscope. Everyone knows these things are bullshit and that the people who write them are severely underpaid journalists but despite that, I thought this one was worth mentioning:

"We define ourselves by where we come from, what we do and to whom we belong - and by our tastes, preferences, hobbies and habits... yet a lot of this can change. None of us can be really sure who we truly are. It's that very sense of uncertainty that makes us so keen to cling to whatever seems permanent. Something (or someone) is changing. In so far as you have drawn some sense of identity from this, you are feeling insecure. Truly though, you're finding yourself, not losing yourself. And that's wonderful."

Maybe it was because I spent last night having dinner with my girlies from Canley and realizing how much I missed the stability and warmth of high school that I found this quote really relevant. It's true - university is very different and sometimes quite lonely. The past few weeks have really made me question what type of person I am and what I really want to do with the rest of my life. It is so strange. In high school, I knew who I was and (I thought) I knew what I wanted to do. But uni has really thrown me off course and now I'm so unsure about everything. I even found myself enjoying tutoring last week because it was a familiar environment to me, with familiar people who I could talk to. Perhaps I am just trying to find myself, although at this point in time, it feels more like I'm losing Cynthia than finding her.

Compare the Pair

Just a bit fun since I'm sure none of us really want to start on our readings/reports/assignments/3000 word essays...






They Lied to Me

They lied to me. They told me uni was going to be fun. But all I've been feeling these last few days is confused and even more confused. WHAT THE FUDGE-BURGERS ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE CYNTHIA??

Okay, so it hasn't been all bad. At least I made friends. And believe it or not, some of my lectures were actually interesting. In the first journalism one I did last week, we got a quiz where the lecturer played us short excerpts from songs and we had to guess where they were from. There was Gotye, Macklemore, BeyoncĂ© and all this other stuff. Of course, afterwards we got another quiz and in this one they asked us questions like: Who is the President of Syria? And what is the new date of the federal election?

....Cue my clueless face. I decided then and there that when I got home, I would read 20 newspapers back to back and start subscribing to Times Magazine.

Anyway point it, it hasn't been all bad. The problem however is that I'm not quite sure I did choose the right course, despite how fun it initially seemed.

See, journalism to me has always been a bit of a risk. There are so many reasons that I don't even know where to start. Maybe I'll write a list:

  • I don't know anyone personally who's studied journalism before. Especially anyone that's come from a low-income, Asian background. I've heard stories of course. But many of them don't end happy. E.g. "I knew this girl once who did journalism. She ended up writing horoscopes for the local paper and was severely underpaid. She ended up going back to uni to do postgrad law." My heart literally sank when I heard that.
  • It's uber competitive. People might argue that anything you do is competitive but it seems like journalism is even worse. You need to do so much extra work to score those internships. Especially now that so many print companies are dying out.
  • Yes, print (e.g. magazine and newspapers) are dying.
  • Apparently the pay isn't that great (aka it sucks ass). Shallow I know, but I also want to know that after 5 years of study, I would be able to pay my bills. And that's even if I manage to score a job at the end.
  • Journalists, or anyone studying communication for that matter, have to be extremely outgoing and extroverted in order to track down those stories. The profession relies on networking and connections in order to get you places. Have you been reading my blog these last few years? Do I seem "extremely outgoing and extroverted" to you? Do I?
  • People haven't said it outright but I know many think that I wasted my ATAR. It kind of hurts a little bit everytime I hear that and makes me doubt my choice even more.
I've talked to so many people over the last few days and it seems like they're all saying the same thing:

1) It's normal to feel that way. A large percentage of uni students go through uni wondering whether they've made the right choice and whether they really want to do what they're doing for the rest of their lives. Even second or third years have that problem. There have even been cases of people finishing their degree and then deciding they wanted something else all along.

2) There must have been a reason that you picked Journalism/International Studies in the first place. Try to get back into that mindset.

3) Don't worry too much about pay and job prospects at this point in time. Just try it out and see if you really like it or not. (Easy for them to say - they're people who are doing courses which are much more stable and financially secure).

4) Most jobs out there require you to have connections and really strong people skills - not just journalism. Good point I guess.

5) There are always other options. You are not stuck with your choice.

I went to the Student Centre the other day and I asked them what my options were if I wanted to transfer into Law/International Studies instead of Journalism/International Studies. They told me that I would have to wait a year and then apply through UAC again. I asked them if my ATAR counted for anything and they said only 25%. The other 75% comes from being able to maintain a high credit average or a distinction average throughout the year. I died a little bit inside at that. Imagine all the trouble I could have saved myself if I'd just put down Law/International Studies in the first place.

So yes, saying that I am extremely frustrated at myself is like the biggest understatement in the history of understatements. The past few days have been really hard and difficult to get through. I'm so frustrated and angry at myself that I haven't been able to get any work done. And god knows I have so much work - I have to prepare a radio piece, write a news article about something that's happening in my local suburb and write a 3000 word essay about a site in Sydney that reflects the concepts of modernism and postmodernism.

Embarrassingly enough, all this culminated in my breaking down on the phone to someone who has always given me good advice (my ex-tutor). If you look up "Epic Fail" in urban dictionary, it would probably say "Cynthia".

So that is my story guys. Sad but true. I wish I knew what I was doing but I really don't. Maybe it's just me having adjustment issues again. Maybe once I settle into the rhythm of uni, it won't seem so bleak anymore. I think I need to hang out with the girlies more. When you're forced to settle into a new environment, you start to realize how much you miss being around familiar things, people and places. I think I need a hug.

P.S. My hate for Cityrail has once again emerged. Two hours on the train each day is really doing my head in.
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