"The Power of Love" by Gabrielle Aplin


This is going to be a really short post since there are about 20,476 other things I should be doing right about now... like getting verbally abused by journalist-haters.
Okay, so no-one has actually "verbally abused" me just yet but I do know other journalism students who have been told point-blank by their sources that they hate journalists and the media. Ouch. Even though I haven't been on the receiving end of that kind of animosity, I do know that I've unintentionally frustrated/pissed-off quite a few others. What can I do? That's my job. I have to ring up and badger people. I have to swallow my pride and email random strangers. I have to ask you for your name and contact details. Otherwise the university accuses me of fabricating sources.
This is why it's so hard for me. I'm innately quite a shy and sensitive person I suppose, even though I've learned to bury that part of me for quite some time now. At the same time, I haven't managed to bury it completely - I still get the occasional panic-attack right before I have to call up an institution or person. I think part of it also comes from being a student and knowing that you don't have much authority or sway just yet. I don't think real journalists have this problem as much as I do.
There is a blog that I am supposed to post in at least once a week for journalism. It's a public blog that all tutors and journalism students can read. Needless to say, I haven't used it much... I'd much rather be word-vomiting in this space right here.


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