Cynthia Watches The Walking Dead

What would you do if you found yourself in the midst of a zombie apocalypse? Would you:

a) camp out in your house and try to survive on canned beans and stale biscuits for however long it'll take for someone to rescue you?

b) smear yourself with blood and guts from a decomposing corpse and try to blend in with the general undead populace?

c) make your way to the nearest human sanctuary where you will try to assist scientists in finding a cure? Or...

d) go do something totally stupid and unnecessary like wander into the most infested area of the city in order to rescue a redneck who you don't even like - especially a racist one who's previously threatened to blow your face off or something.

Guess which option the people in The Walking Dead chose?

So me watching The Walking Dead consists of: 5% sitting down and calmly enjoying the show and 95% screaming and chucking things at the TV screen, much to the amusement of my dad.

This is why I can't watch horror movies; because there is only so much stupidity I can stand from the characters. What do you mean you want to go check out the dark, boarded-up room in the basement? Why in the flying fuck would you adopt that creepy, little girl? How can the words "Keep Out: Evil Spirit in Residence" not ring any alarm bells in your head?  ARE YOU STUPID?? ARE YOU BLIND?? ARE YOU REALLY THAT BORED WITH YOUR LIFE??

People are so strange. Especially people in horror movies.

Aside from lots of stupid people doing even stupider things, TWD is actually quite a good show. Production is pretty tight, effects are disgustingly realistic and - why hello there Mark from Love Actually...

Please excuse me while I go do some google image-ing.

TWD reminds me of Game of Thrones in that every episode makes you feel like you're watching a blockbuster movie. It doesn't have the same scale of epic-ness that GoT has (what other TV show travels all the way to Scotland/Morocco/Ireland to film its episodes?) but you can tell it definitely wasn't cheap to make. I'm not saying that money automatically makes a great, addictive show but I suppose it doesn't hurt.
I'm only up to episode 3 right now so I don't really have that much to say. I did laugh though when they managed to script sex into one of the previous episodes. You'd think a zombie apocalypse would be a pretty effective neutralizer of libido but apparently not? hahahaha.
Oh and speaking of TV shows, Doctor Who and Game of Thrones are returning soon. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! And David Tennant and Billie Piper are returning for the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. Double yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!
And yes I did just type out "double yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay" on my blog. Watcha gonna do about it??


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