People I Admire


The band is MFBTY. It stands for My Fans Better Than Yours or, according to one of the members, "Miss Fat BooTY". Either way, the song is pretty catchy and the music video ain't too shabby either. Seriously. They should just have giant, electrical tigers in every single MV ever.
I wouldn't have known about the song if it wasn't for Eat Your Kimchi's interview with them. To be honest, I've barely touched any of their videos in the last 6 months - not that they were bad or anything but I guess I just lost interest in the Korean music scene. I'm glad I started watching Simon and Martina's stuff again though. It's nice to see that they've moved out of filming in their apartment to filming in an actual studio. Good for them. Now they can appear much more legit when they interview people haha.
I really admire what they've managed to do. They started off as English teachers in Korea, did a bit of vlogging on the side, realised that they really liked what they did, quit their jobs and concentrated on the channel full time. To be able to say goodbye to a stable salary in order to pursue their interests (and be successful while they're at it) is pretty freakin' admirable. People like that simultaneously give me hope about the future whilst also scaring the bejeezus out of me. After all, what are the chances of actually succeeding in such endeavours? Would I ever have the guts to do something like that? Probably not.
(Random side note: If anyone ever gave me a plane ticket to Korea, I would take it, travel there and then camp out outside the Eat Your Kimchi studio until they agreed to give me a job. I don't even care if they make me their coffee girl or use me for domestic slave labour - working for them would be absolutely the most awesome thing ever.)
Speaking of admirable people, did anyone else watch the Jenna Marbles "Draw My Life" video? THAT VIDEO MADE ME SO SAD OMFG. It made me think about the future (again). Why has everything I watched recently made me think about the future? I never used to be like this. Somebody bring back Cynthia pre-2013. I miss her obliviousness. But right - Jenna Marbles. I have so much more respect for her after watching that video. Sometimes, it's so easy to assume that successful Youtubers must be 100% happy with their life. After all, they've got MILLIONS of people who watch them, look up to them and basically wish they could be them. Apparently that's not the case. It's cliche but they really are just like us - people who haven't really got everything figured out either.
This post was just supposed to be about MFBTY but it seems like I've gotten off track. You guys should check out their interview with Eat Your Kimchi. It's one of the better and more humorous ones. They seem like genuinely cool people to hang out with. Click here for it.  


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