Humans are like Animals

Hello everyone, it's currently 11:25pm on Monday night and I'm sitting here blogging because I don't want to go to sleep. I don't want to go to sleep because that will bring me closer to Tuesday morning, aka the morning of the dreaded 8th grade piano exam. I will most likely fail this exam because a) I just passed the 6th and 7th grades b) I hardly practiced for 8th grade and c) my examiner is an Asian man (and therefore he must have unrealistically high expectations). Is that racist? Probably. But it doesn't matter because I'm Asian too and therefore allowed to bag out my own race.

So to take my mind off the impending humiliation of tomorrow's exam, let's talk about other stuff.

I'm not sure whether I read this somewhere or someone told it to me (probably the latter) but humans are like animals in that we seek comfort from those who are familiar to us. A few days ago, I proved this theory correct.

Basically, Tian had her 18th birthday party on Saturday night, which was a large family and friends gathering at Green Peppercorn in Fairfield. My aim that night was to forget about how my mid-semester break was ending (kind of hard when every second person you bump into ends up asking you, "How's uni?") Despite that, I had fun. Nancy and I drank our first Long Island.... which tastes like an island about as much as an apple tastes like smushed horse poop.

Kind of like coke. But with rum, vodka, gin, tequila and ice tea. Also not as fizzy, sweet and it leaves a burning aftertaste... so probably not like coke at all.
So yes party was great and we got back at around 9pm.
But then I started feeling antsy (and no it was not the alcohol). I felt antsy because somewhere in the back of my mind, a voice was telling me that I had to do something with my last free Saturday night before uni resumes. I was all like, "get me out of this house right noooooooowwwwwwwww". (You guys don't understand how crap I felt about having to go back to uni). 
I ended up going to Nancy's house intending to get some Disney movies off her. Instead, she, Tian, my sister and I ended up vegging out on her bed watching Hannah Montana the Movie.
It was awesome.
The moment I got back from Nancy's house, the feelings of anxiety about uni started to come creeping back. (To be honest, I'm not sure why I dread it so much. Maybe I've just conditioned myself to despite it through repetition). I started feeling panicky again and somehow that resulted in me flopping onto my parent's bed imitating a dead starfish. They rolled their eyes at my repeated, "I DON'T WANNA GO TO BACK TO UNI MUUUUUM, DON'T MAKE ME"'s but in the end, couldn't get me to budge from the spot. So I basically spent the night in my parent's bed, hogging their blanket.
That was great too.
There was a moral to this story but I can't quite remember it now. Oh right, humans really are like animals, is what I'm trying to say. We tend to seek comfort from those that are familiar to us, especially when we're particularly overcome by feelings of anxiety, sadness, etc. It's kind of why I always call Othilia when I have a particularly bad day - not to vent (although I do plenty of that anyway) but just to hear someone familiar. It's why I force my sister to watch Doctor Who episodes with me even though we're perfectly capable of watching it by ourselves. And it's why I commandeered my parent's bed last Saturday night, kicking my parents to the carpet in the process.
As you can see, I am a mature and sophisticated young adult very firmly in control of my life.
Till next time then everybody.


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