And then she looked directly at me.....

Yes it's been awhile, yes I'm apologising again and no I don't think anyone out there really cares but I'll do it anyway. I don't even have a reason for not blogging this time. I can't lie and say I've been busy because whilst everyone has been freaking out over finals, I've been sitting here scrolling endlessly through tumblr. Oh the life of a communications student...

So, a couple of week ago, I went to my first peer networking training session. Did I tell you I made it into peer networking? If you're wondering, it's the volunteer program at university where you don an orange shirt (along with exaggerated enthusiasm for tertiary education) and harass welcome new students on orientation days. If you read my post a couple of weeks earlier, you would've heard how badly I bombed the interview. So as you can imagine, I was very surprised that they took me on.

Well, the mystery has been solved. I now know why they accepted me into the program, and no, it's not because of my superior charm and witty countenance. You see, during the training session, the program coordinator was talking to us about the importance of communication skills and how we had a responsibility to reassure people who had issues at university. At one point in her speech, she said:

"We have chosen you guys because of your confidence , friendliness and clear leadership capabilities. However, I also want to state that some of you were chosen because whilst you may not be as extroverted as most of the people here, we're hoping that shy students will recognise that in you and find you easier to approach and talk to."

And when she said that, I'm pretty sure she looked directly at me.

High five Cynthia. For once in your life, your introvertedness and awkward personality has actually worked in your favour. I hope you know that that's never going to happen again (so you might as well enjoy it now).

I've picked up guitar again and have been learning a few new songs just for the fun of it. Actually, earlier this week, I went through a phase of wanting to play really angry or really bass-heavy songs. Maybe it's because I was sick of doing what I usually do - boring-ass cute pop covers - and I just wanted to experiment with something totally different. Plus I was just angry at the world for no reason (no it's not PMS - you have probably experienced that inexplicable frustration yourself).

I learnt The Pretty Reckless' 'Make Me Wanna Die' and those maaaaaaaaan those low lyrics are like the best thing to belt out, ever. I sound like a total man but I don't even care because Taylor Momsen sounds like a man and she's fucking hot anyway.

And then I learnt that epic rift from Arctic Monkey's 'Do I Wanna Know' and pretended I was totally badass (whilst playing my dad's classical guitar in my pink-coloured bedroom surrounded by furry stuffed animals).

If you haven't seen it, here's the music video:

I'm having trouble singing and playing at the same time though. Probably because the lyrics are in such a syncopated rhythm compared to the music.
I might try to attempt some Paramore next. It'll probably turn out disastrous though cause my guitar playing still sucks shit and Hayley William's voice is like Hayley William's voice and my voice is like....not Hayley William's voice, y'know?
I would like to get a condenser mic sometime in the near future so I can do better covers. I could even attempt some dodgy acapella covers! It'll be fun.  


Fiona at: November 12, 2013 at 4:46 PM said...

Ahhh I love Arctic Monkeys! Btw, congrats on making it into the program!

Cynthia at: November 13, 2013 at 4:09 PM said...

Thanks! As you can see, it was totally unexpected. But like, good unexpected :)

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