Movie Review: Les Miserables

When I first heard that Les Mis (or as Tian likes to call it - Miserable Lesbians) was being turned into a movie, I was excited, especially after finding out that so many good actors were involved in the project. And then my cousin told me that he died a thousand excruciating deaths whilst being forced to watch Russell Crowe sing his way through Paris, so I went in expecting a snoozefest. Ten minutes into the movie, I was so close to agreeing with him... but then Anne Hathway turned into a prostitute, Russell Crowe stopped singing, Hugh Jackman shaved his beard and SHIT GOT REAL SO FAST THAT EVEN THE GIGGLING TEENY BOPPERS BEHIND ME DECIDED TO STFU AND WATCH THE MOVIE.

I'm not really good at summarizing and plus, I'm guessing most people have already seen the film. To those who haven't seen it or slogged through the 1500 page original text, Les Mis basically follows the lives of a few characters during the French Revolution and that's all you need to know.  
I can see why sitting through 2 and a half hours of Les Mis might seem like such an ordeal to some. The acting and (most of) the singing was brilliant but the whole "camera pointed at your face whilst you sing about how crap your life is" thing may have been too tedious for some people. TBH I got a bit tired of it near the end but I suppose if you're adapting a musical into a movie, you have to stay true to the source material. And the source material called for passionate solos so what can you do? At the same time, there were so many great moments in the film to make up for the boring bits. I LOVED all of Fantine's (Anne Hathaway's) parts. When she resorts to cutting her hair, pulling out her teeth and selling her body for money - those scenes were terrible but gripping. If I could cry, I would have blubbered my way through "I Dreamed a Dream". As such, I contented myself with the fact that the lady in front of me was crying enough tears to prevent an Australian drought ten times over.  

Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen had one of my favourite parts of the whole movie.   In a film that contained so many dark and bleak scenes, "Master of the House" was such a welcome change of scenery. It reminded me of "You've Got to Pick a Pocket or Two" from Oliver! the Musical. (Borat can sing, lulz!) Those two have so much charisma on screen. It felt like I was drowning in it. 
This film had the best child actors ever. Young Cossette was like THE CUTEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN MULTIPLIED BY A BILLION and Gavroche helped rid my mouth of that sour taste I got after watching "Henry" "act" through 22 episodes of Once Upon A Time. Dude seriously needs to learn how to emote or like, move his face.
Marius has a very sexy face (I think. Not sure though because his ass over Jackman's shoulder took up half the shots or something) but I wanted to punch it (his face not his ass) after what he did to Eponine.
Take a bullet straight through my brain chest / Yes, I would die for you, baby / But you won't do the same... because you fell in love with the first blond bimbo you ever met and totally forgot about me or something.
Just kidding. Amanda Seyfriend is totes awesome and stuff. She can have a picture too:
So yeah, all in all it was a great movie and I would definitely go watch it again if I could. And yes, I will cut Russell Crowe some slack because even though he isn't the greatest singer ever, his acting bits were all brilliant.
Also, greatest screenshot ever or greatest screenshot ever?
Nothing like a great big elephant ass to ruin the moment...


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