Lunar New Year

Did you know that if you typed "Benedict Cumberbatch" into YouTube's search engine, the video that pops up with the most views is titled "To The Ends of the Earth - Benedict Cumberbatch sex scene"? Go figure. There must be many people out there habouring suppresed Sherlock fantasies or something.

....And no I did not click on the video! You gotta give me a bit more credit than that.

Fun fact aside, how's everyone's Lunar New Year going? Mine's going okay I guess. I went with NASTY C + K to go see the fireworks on Saturday night. They were pretty good and for once, we didn't get rained on by burning flakes of firework residue. Afterwards, we waded through grass to get to the temple for lion dancing but when we arrived, the performances had stopped. Back we went through the soggy, wet grass - only to have the drums start up behind us the moment we left.

We then had a late night maccas run where we ordered 20 nuggets, 4 cheeseburgers, 3 large fries and 4 large cokes between 7 people. I got to bed at about 2 am.

I had to work on Sunday but in the evening, a few of my relatives came down to celebrate, including one cousin from Melbourne. We had dinner and I got interrogated by the busybody relatives who even had the nerve to ask me what ATAR LuuPoo got. (Don't worry Nan, I got your back.) When I brushed them off, they said, (rather harshly), "Don't you tell each other everything? Why don't you know her score?". So then I was all like,

Okay, just kidding - I didn't really start punching them in the neck. (I actually just wanted an excuse to use that gif.)

It was more like,

... but I didn't say it out loud because I'm chickenshit and also because my face is not as beautiful as Benedict Cumberbatch's so I wouldn't be able to get away with murder, much less talking back to my relatives. (What's that? You want me to stop talking about Benedict Cumberbatch? Bitch please.)

Still. I said it mentally so that should count for something, right?

Anyhoo, the trailer for the host is out. It's up to you whether you think it looks shit or not. Personally, I find it okay, although for some reason, the voice-over narration makes me cringe.

Oh, and I think the person that decided it was a good idea to stick "By the author of the Twilight Saga" into the trailer, is an idiot and should totally be fired or something. Way to promote a film man. You should have just written: "By the director of that shitty-ass movie you've probably never heard of" or "Don't bother watching this film anymore because it's just lost all its credibility the moment you referenced Stephenie Meyer".


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