Happy Single Awareness Day

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Or as someone said on Facebook, Happy Single Awareness Day! You know you're doing something wrong when even your parents duck out to celebrate February 14th and you're just sitting at home forcing yourself to prepare lessons on persuasive writing for high schoolers. To top it all off, Mum just rang home to remind me to lock the door behind me when I go out. When I told her, no, I wasn't planning on going out for Valentine's Day, you could practically hear her face fall through the phone. It's a sad life when even your own mother starts to pity your singledom.

It's okay Mum. One day I'll make you proud. I've recently decided to make a career out of gold-digging since I doubt the journalism thing is gonna work out. Then I'll send you airplane tickets to my wedding in France and you can boast all you want about your daughter's rich husband. Just you wait and see.

In the meantime, I'm just gonna sit here watching reruns of Downton Abbey and listening to Akon's "Lonely" on repeat.

Okay, just kidding. I'm not actually that sad. I'm a firm believer of the fact that you will meet someone in your own time and at your own pace. After all, if the redneck mother of Honey Boo Boo Child was able to meet a guy, get married and have kids, then logically, I should be able to at least get a date.

Yes you do, mother of Honey Boo Boo, yes you do.

It's just such a shame that by the time I find a guy, I would already be an old, grumpy spinster. *sadface*

Moving on from Valentine's Day; I came across a really cool series of pictures by accident the other day when I was browing through pinterest. I think they're titled, "Motion in Air" or something. You guys should check out the site. It's full of really awesome digital art like this:

The link for the original site is here.
I had a bit of fun redrawing one of their pictures on my sketch pad. Totally unoriginal of course - I was only copying off one of their artworks. All credit goes to the original artist. You can see what picture I'm talking about if you click on the link. It was still a bit of fun though. I only wish I had the talent and skill to produce such beautiful digital art.


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