
Hello everyone, meet Alejandro:

Alejandro is slim, sleek and sexy. He's fabulous at multi-tasking, loves being cuddled in bed and has a really long battery life. Like really long. We're talking about hours and hours worth of stamina. It's enough to keep any girl happy.  

Alejandro also really likes having his screen stroked. Like Sammy, my Samsung Galaxy SIII, Alejandro is extremely responsive to my touch. The only problem is that my eagerness to stroke and fondle his surface often leaves behind marks. I can't help it. My hands take on a mind of their own whenever I'm around Alejandro. If I was a 13 year old, prepubescent teenage girl, he would be my Harry Styles.

Of course, we're still in the early stages of our relationship. I sometimes think he's keeping secrets from me but that's probably just me and my insecurities talking. I'm sure he has a perfectly valid reason for not letting me open up multiple tabs in internet explorer.

Apart from a few inconsequential, little gripes, Alejandro is definitely a dream come true. I believe he is The One and hopefully, we'll have many long, happy years together before my fear of commitment results in me trading him in for a better model. Together, we shall weather this "university" thing through.

Game of Thrones Season 3: Trailer + Predictions


To celebrate the premiere of Game of Thrones' Season 3 trailer, I'm going to put up another one of my "Woefully Inaccurate Yet Totally Possible Predictions for the Upcoming Season of GoT" thingy-ma-bobs. Don't worry - I'm pretty sure there are no spoilers in here. Last time I did this, I only got 2 out of 9 correct :(
In Game of Thrones Season 3:
  • Jon Snow will most likely not be able to keep his knife in his pants around that wildling chick
  • Joffrey will get slapped in the first and fifth episode (to keep the fans happy y'know)
  • Rob will once again proclaim, "I am the King of the North!" and once again, I will not give a shit because everyone knows Arya should totes be King of the Seven Kingdoms
  • Bran will shoot some arrows and learn some magic
  • I will laugh whenever Anne Frank Meera Reed appears on screen
  • Ser Jorah will be friend-zoned by Daenerys... again
  • Ser Jorah will then get sick of all her bullshit, quit, kill a dragon or two and then return to Downton Abbey where he belongs
  • Tyrion will have awesome one-liners in every episode
  • There will be incest (duh) because Cersei likes to keep it in the family
  • I will continue chucking shoes at the screen because they still wouldn't have found a way to resurrect ___________ since he died in the first season
  • They will kill a significant character
  • I will chuck more shoes at the screen
  • Eventually I will run out of shoes because this is Game of Thrones and the show exists to antagonize me :(
  • That is all

Pre-University Post

I've literally just spent the whole afternoon lying here staring at the clock, waiting for 5:45 to come around so I can go out to dinner with the girls. It's strange how, when I'm out, I wish I was at home doing other things but when I'm at home, I usually just end up lying on the couch imitating a comatose sloth.

Uni starts next week so I'm guessing there won't be any more couch-potato-ing for a long while. I'm not sure how I feel about it to be honest. Orientation this week was fine. I met a lot of people, joined a few clubs and got sufficiently lost on campus (yes, even at UTS I got lost). At the same time, the foreignness of it all made me realise how much I missed the group. I missed being around people who knew me. I missed being able to relax and enjoy the company of others without worrying about how I was perceived or whether they were judging me for being that poor asian chick from the Inner West. (Jokes, no one has actually judged me for that). Besides, there's only so many times you can say, "Hey I'm Cynthia. Nice to meet you..."

I'm still not sure what to expect from this course. There have been times during orientation when my drive to do communications has been reaffirmed and also times when I've looked around, considered how glamorous and worldly everyone else seems and then been swamped with the overwhelming urge to do a runner. It's a mental thing I have to get over. Hopefully university will beat it out of me. If not, Cabramatta could always do with more hobos.

University Orientation, Take 2

"Oh hey, do you mind if I sit here?"
"Not at all. Come join the communications group."
"Thanks. I'm (name withheld) by the way."
"Hi, I'm Cynthia."
"Cool. So where are you guys from?"
"We're all from Sydney. I'm from around the Cabramatta/Fairfield area. How bout you?"
"Oh, I'm from Darwin."


So... they weren't kidding when they said uni was a place for meeting people from literally everywhere LOL.  

Happy Single Awareness Day

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Or as someone said on Facebook, Happy Single Awareness Day! You know you're doing something wrong when even your parents duck out to celebrate February 14th and you're just sitting at home forcing yourself to prepare lessons on persuasive writing for high schoolers. To top it all off, Mum just rang home to remind me to lock the door behind me when I go out. When I told her, no, I wasn't planning on going out for Valentine's Day, you could practically hear her face fall through the phone. It's a sad life when even your own mother starts to pity your singledom.

It's okay Mum. One day I'll make you proud. I've recently decided to make a career out of gold-digging since I doubt the journalism thing is gonna work out. Then I'll send you airplane tickets to my wedding in France and you can boast all you want about your daughter's rich husband. Just you wait and see.

In the meantime, I'm just gonna sit here watching reruns of Downton Abbey and listening to Akon's "Lonely" on repeat.

Okay, just kidding. I'm not actually that sad. I'm a firm believer of the fact that you will meet someone in your own time and at your own pace. After all, if the redneck mother of Honey Boo Boo Child was able to meet a guy, get married and have kids, then logically, I should be able to at least get a date.

Yes you do, mother of Honey Boo Boo, yes you do.

It's just such a shame that by the time I find a guy, I would already be an old, grumpy spinster. *sadface*

Moving on from Valentine's Day; I came across a really cool series of pictures by accident the other day when I was browing through pinterest. I think they're titled, "Motion in Air" or something. You guys should check out the site. It's full of really awesome digital art like this:

The link for the original site is here.
I had a bit of fun redrawing one of their pictures on my sketch pad. Totally unoriginal of course - I was only copying off one of their artworks. All credit goes to the original artist. You can see what picture I'm talking about if you click on the link. It was still a bit of fun though. I only wish I had the talent and skill to produce such beautiful digital art.

Lunar New Year

Did you know that if you typed "Benedict Cumberbatch" into YouTube's search engine, the video that pops up with the most views is titled "To The Ends of the Earth - Benedict Cumberbatch sex scene"? Go figure. There must be many people out there habouring suppresed Sherlock fantasies or something.

....And no I did not click on the video! You gotta give me a bit more credit than that.

Fun fact aside, how's everyone's Lunar New Year going? Mine's going okay I guess. I went with NASTY C + K to go see the fireworks on Saturday night. They were pretty good and for once, we didn't get rained on by burning flakes of firework residue. Afterwards, we waded through grass to get to the temple for lion dancing but when we arrived, the performances had stopped. Back we went through the soggy, wet grass - only to have the drums start up behind us the moment we left.

We then had a late night maccas run where we ordered 20 nuggets, 4 cheeseburgers, 3 large fries and 4 large cokes between 7 people. I got to bed at about 2 am.

I had to work on Sunday but in the evening, a few of my relatives came down to celebrate, including one cousin from Melbourne. We had dinner and I got interrogated by the busybody relatives who even had the nerve to ask me what ATAR LuuPoo got. (Don't worry Nan, I got your back.) When I brushed them off, they said, (rather harshly), "Don't you tell each other everything? Why don't you know her score?". So then I was all like,

Okay, just kidding - I didn't really start punching them in the neck. (I actually just wanted an excuse to use that gif.)

It was more like,

... but I didn't say it out loud because I'm chickenshit and also because my face is not as beautiful as Benedict Cumberbatch's so I wouldn't be able to get away with murder, much less talking back to my relatives. (What's that? You want me to stop talking about Benedict Cumberbatch? Bitch please.)

Still. I said it mentally so that should count for something, right?

Anyhoo, the trailer for the host is out. It's up to you whether you think it looks shit or not. Personally, I find it okay, although for some reason, the voice-over narration makes me cringe.

Oh, and I think the person that decided it was a good idea to stick "By the author of the Twilight Saga" into the trailer, is an idiot and should totally be fired or something. Way to promote a film man. You should have just written: "By the director of that shitty-ass movie you've probably never heard of" or "Don't bother watching this film anymore because it's just lost all its credibility the moment you referenced Stephenie Meyer".

Benedict Cumberbatch's Face

When I first started blogging on my old page back in '09, it seemed like every little thing that happened to me was worth writing about it and publishing on the internet. One of my earliest posts was about a horrible hairdresser who gave me the fugliest haircut ever and I remember having so much fun just ranting about the blow that she had dealt to my tender, teenage ego. I've realised that I no longer write posts like that; posts about little, everyday things that have a strong impact on me. Either I've grown less perceptive or my zest for blogging has somehow fizzled out along the way. I'm guessing it's the latter and that makes me feel a little bit sad.

Putting that aside (I'm not here to talk about sad things), my first uni orientation started a few days ago. It wasn't actually that bad to be honest - I met a lot of cool people and as the day wore on, I felt many of my fears about uni disappearing. I can be a very self-deprecating at times and I think some of that has seeped into my perception of myself. I'm really not as awkward as I make myself out to be LOL. Talking and chatting to people was fun - you just have to get past that first barrier of introducing yourself. It helps that everyone is kind of going through the same thing. I really should stop psyching myself up. It's a bad habit. I mean, I used to get anxious about calling customer service for my phone or doing menial tasks like ordering pizza. Actually, I still haven't fully gotten over my irrational fear of phone operators to be honest....

But enough about uni. It's still early one and I don't want to jinx anything by discussing it too much (knock on wood). I'm just going to copy Forrest Gump with, "And that's all I have to say about that."

What else has been happening in the Land of Cynthia? Oh right, I finished Sherlock. Season 2 was pretty good... I think. In true Cynthia fashion, I was battling my unhealthy attraction to Benedict Cumberbatch's face throughout all three episodes so I'm afraid I'm totally unqualified to talk about the quality of Season 2. (In my defence, he really does have an interesting face.) So instead of recapping anything, this picture will have to do:

One day I will stop being shallow... but that day is obviously not today.
Also, after a 1 and a half year hiatus from Downton Abbey, I've finally started watching Season 2. I did something really stupid though. I watched the 2011 Christmas Special, thinking that came after the finale of Season 1, only to find out that the special is supposed to come AFTER Season 2. Whoops. Spoilers alert! I basically found out everything that happened in Season 2 in the course of that episode. Somebody should've warned me. Then again, no one could have predicted the stupidity of my actions.  

They Left Me to the Wolves

Nancy already posted a similar picture on her blog but I figured that something like this deserved an encore appearance.

The Seafood Platter from Hurricane's Grill at Darling Harbour. Feast your eyes on that thing everyone. Considering the cost, it was basically edible money on a plate.
We had a bit of fun at the city yesterday but I couldn't be bothered taking many photos (and by many, I mean more than one). Food was pretty good but way too pricey for a non-high roller like me. After dinner, we legged it to Chinatown and then had the typical karaoke session which was hijacked halfway by birthday pirates. There was cake, there was out-of-tune singing and it was all good. And even though I was surrounded by couples, it wasn't as awkward as it could have been since I had another friend there to seventh-wheel with and to diss all things couple-y.
Still... SugaryKittens and AdrenElyn have got some explainin' to do the next time I see them. Traitors! You left me to the wolves! The extremely affectionate, loved-up, stuck-in-our-own-little-bubble, glued-to-each-other wolves! Do you know what could have happened to me out there if I hadn't managed to disguise my seventh-wheeler-dom? Do you?? I would have drowned in a sea of sugary affection; collapsed under the weight of all the amorous emotions clogging up my oxygen. I could have DIED a single, lonesome death whilst being surrounded by overly-infatuated couples! Y'all better have a good excuse for these traitorous, duplicitous actions or imma hunt you down and... and unfriend you! You mark my words...

Book Review: "Sins & Needles" by Karina Halle



You know you've stumbled upon something pretty darned special when a book opens with:
This will be the last time. I've said that before. I've said it a lot. I've said it while talking to myself in a mirror like some Tarantino cliche. But I've never said it while having a pool cue pressed against my throat by a crazed Ukrainian man who was hell bent on making me his wife. It's nice to know there's still a first time for everything.
Click here for the goodreads link of the book.

Meet Ellie Watt: con artist, professional grifter, ex-girlfriend of a murderous, Latino gangster yet currently posing as an internet-ordered, Russian, virgin bride. Did I mention con artist? Don't worry - she's trying to reform herself; for real this time. To start off, she's gonna hightail it out of her current predicament and drive herself back to her home town in Palm Valley, California. Perhaps she might get a normal job, live a normal life. And perhaps people will one day stop writing Twilight fan-fiction and trying to pass them off as original literature.

Meet Camden McQueen: the only friend Ellie ever had when she was in high school. (After all, the freaks have to stick together right?) He seems to have changed... quite a bit... Gone is the tall, pale, long-haired, trench-coat and purple-lipstick wearing goth boy of many years past. In his place is an intense, tall, muscled, successful, walking tattoo of a hunk who seems to harbour no bitterness over what Ellie has done to him in the past. Which is strange, because once upon a time - 9 years ago to be exact - a girl named Ellie hurt a guy named Camden. She hurt him so bad that something in him got destroyed that day. It never fully repaired itself.


Now, Ellie's back in her home-town. She needs money - fast. Camden seems like the perfect mark; he's successful, he's loaded and most importantly, he used to have feelings for Ellie.... But what Ellie's not counting on is how easily unrequited love can turn into obsession over time. Has Camden really gotten over the events of the past? Or is there still anger, bitterness and pain simmering just underneath that civilised mask - waiting to be let out at the first sign of a mistep from Ellie?

So... I went in expecting a fluff read. (Because that is all I ever read - duh.) Don't get me wrong, the cover is great and all but it doesn't exactly scream, "INTELLECTUAL MATERIAL THAT WILL EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS" does it? To a certain extent, I suppose it is very much immersive fiction. It's got con artists, guns, mafia, casinos, a car chase, a bad-ass mofo girl and a sexy, tattoo artist. However, it's also a story about a girl who once hurt a guy. It's about a girl who had to grow up doing anything it took to survive - even if it meant committing crimes no little girl has to commit. It's about revenge, redemption, justification and hope. And parts of it are oh so dark. I don't mean that in depraved, wtf-are-you-reading type of way though. It is dark because the characters have so much depth and feeling to them that you can't help but but feel the pain and suffering that is buried deep underneath all that other stuff.

“You're a con artist. A liar. A thief. An unredeemable soul. You can't be reformed. You can't be saved. You'll die trying to make the world pay for what it did to you. And you'll die alone.”

The writing really surprised me. It might be because I've been wading through some books with the most craptastic prose imaginable but I don't think that's the case at all. Karina Halle has a gift with words. The writing is easily accessible and simple but she manages to convey it in a way that makes it sound so profound. I just want to nod my head and go, "Duuuude, that's so deep man."

They just lay side by side, staring up at the stars and listening to Soundgarden's "The Day I Tried to Live" on his portable speakers, watching for satellites and enjoying that feeling that they, in their fourteen-year-old tragedies, were the centre of their universe. His hand gripped hers and despite how sweaty her palms felt, she didn't take it away.


I'm usually not a big fan of flashback narratives but in this book, my favourite moments came from the Ellie/Cam flashbacks to when they were in high school. I'm a sucker for the underdog plotlines and this story had a very strong fragility-of-youth vibe going through it. It's the same one that I got from watching Perks of Being a Wallflower. (Don't compare those two stories though. Sins & Needles is still predominately a dark, contemporary romance type of book). Also, the use of flashbacks made the book seem so much richer. We got to see the Ellie/Cam relationship of the past and that made everything all the more heartwrenching in the present.

As I've said before, the characters were pretty awesome and very well fleshed out. Ellie kicks ass but at the same time, she's got this emotional fragility when it comes to her scars. Camden... Well Camden is strange. There's a quality about him that is so intense yet inscrutable. You think you've got his character pinned down but then stuff happens and your perspective of him changes. It's a bit frightening for Ellie and the audience to predict what he's going to do next.

Plotwise, I have no complaints. Shit gets real so fast and I got hit with so many developments that I started to feel like one of those crocodiles at Galaxy World. It was great.

 I should probably stop typing in case I start giving away plot points or something. All in all, this is definitely a great book to pick up if you find your reading list empty. I don't have to tell you guys that it is adult fiction despite the teenage flashbacks right? If there are any doubts about the age category, I'm pretty sure this quote puts it all to rest:

“Is the gun really necessary?"

"No," he admitted. "It's just fun to have one."

"Like an extra penis," I mused.

He smiled unkindly. "Something like that.”

*snort* Don't worry guys - the book's not all doom and gloom. There are definitely some fun and light-hearted parts in there.

Oh, almost forgot to mention; this book is part of a trilogy. That is the only gripe I have so far. I hate the waiting game. Hate it with a passion. (Mostly because when I have to wait for stuff, I lose interest in it.) Doesn't help that the book came out on Amazon only about a week ago. So yeah, imma just sit here and mope a lil bit. Don't mind me.



Short, sweet and absolutely beautiful to look at... which is why I don't understand why parts of it make me feel sad. Perhaps it's because Disney has a way of telling stories that are so wonderful and enchanting that they make real life seem so much more dismal in comparison. It's a strangely bittersweet thing isn't it?
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