Windmill windmill for the land, is everybody in?


There was a recorded version of this and nobody told me. It's like that time I discovered my favourite Norwegian had released another fantabulously tacky Europop single...and I was 2 years late in discovering it. Alexander Rybak, don't ever change. You are perfect just the way you are.  

So I broke my streak of blogging every day of the mid-sem break. To be fair, I was able to keep it up for 3 days, which was 2 more posts than I expected when I started. Yesterday wasn't that special though. The peeps and I went to watch The Amazing Spiderman 2 last night at Wetherill Park. 'Twas pretty good. And I didn't expect that thing that happened near the end to happen. I cried metaphorical tears. Okay not really. It'll take a lot more than that to sadden me. Crying is for people who actually care about things. 

Afterwards, we gatecrashed Manly's "party" by rocking up at his house in Edensor Park in the middle of some sort of social gathering. Party is in quotation marks because when we walked in, it was just a bunch of his friends sitting around the table eating nachos and talking about stuff. Ew. Is this what parties are like when you reach your mid 20s? Because I'm pretty sure I prefer the 80+ guest parties that Nancy and I have been throwing at Kenny's. And if I had a backyard that spacious, I would be installing strobe lights (or a pool). Just sayin'. 

All kidding aside, his house isn't actually that bad despite being smaller than I imagined. It looks and is furnished like your typical bachelor pad and he did say I'm welcome to crash anytime I feel like running away from home. That was nice of him. He also said that I could bring guys over and he would be able to give us privacy since his house has THREE bedrooms and a Jacuzzi. Then he did the suggestive eyebrows thing accompanied by inappropriate pelvis thrust and I was like, yep, there he is. Sentimentality is short-lived (if not inexistent) when it comes to Manly. 

Biennale tomorrow, followed by Othilia's party on Tuesday night. Operation Forget-That-You-Have-Responsibilities is working out quite well I must say. It'll catch up to me sooner or later but for now, I'm just going to keep on running. Time is my enemy and he's a little bit unbeatable but I feel like he's granted me a reprieve these last few days. I'd be a fool not to grab it and run. 


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