Dear You

Also known as: thoughts about people that you wouldn't voice aloud because you'd basically be crowning yourself the Queen of Awkward and Unnecessary Insights. 

Subtitled: I'm Not Analysing You But I Kind of Am. 


Dear You #1,

I just met you so I don't really know much about you. I don't know how old you are, what you're studying, what sorts of things you did before you got this position, etc. However I do know that you are mind-blowingly AMAZEBALLS at your job. I have never seen someone so young delegate and organise as efficiently as you (and with so much confidence). If I was half as articulate, I would be over the moon. You simultaneously scare and inspire me. Please don't hurt me. And please teach me your skills. 

Dear You #2,

I wish you would have more confidence in yourself. You will find that people are always willing to talk and share things but the only way they'll do this is if you open up and give them the chance. Try to put yourself out there a little bit more. I know it's hard but in the end, only the opinions of the people close to you and who you value matter. Plus, you are a naturally kind and caring person. It's just not possible for people to dislike you. 

Dear You #3,

I think you’re all sorts of amazing. It sounds so terribly clichéd but you really do live life to the fullest. You remind me a bit of Jenny from Forrest Gump (minus the fucked up abusive background) because of the perpetual flightiness. That reminds me; you always seem so restless - like you’re running away from something. Why ARE you so restless?

Dear You #4,

During that whole time, you took my existence for granted. So fuck you. 

Dear You #5,

You make me laugh. You make a lot of people laugh actually because you're always doing things that go against what's expected. When I first met you, I thought you were your typical Asian gym boy. (To be fair, you do say 'swag' and 'brah' a lot AND you've got that haircut). But then we had that really random talk about life fulfillment and I realised that you've got much more depth than you let on. Sorry, I shouldn't have made an immediate judgement.

Dear You #6

You don't make sense to me. I have trouble figuring out what you're thinking, which unsettles me because I'm not usually this bad at reading people. I always feel like I'm missing something crucial. Like you've left me out of the joke. It's not just me though. I think you confuse a lot of people because your motives are so ambiguous.

Dear You #7

I care about you a lot and I wish you would get your shit together which is why I'm always nagging you. I'm sorry if it comes across as super-bitchiness but it's just because I don't know how else to motivate you. I hope you would take a step back and look at the bigger picture. You've always lived in the moment and that's great but I feel like I need to warn you that life isn't so forgiving. 

Dear You #8

Even though we don't spend as much time together as we used to, I feel like you still get me like no one else at uni does. You are such a lovely and sweet person and you make Wednesday nights that little bit more bearable. I always feel stressed for you when you tell me about your assignments because I'd been there last year and it was such an unpleasant and horrible experience. We should hang out more often. 

Dear You #9

You know your shit and that's hella attractive to me, I'm not even going to deny it. You always seem very tired and stressed though (and with good reason as well). I'm sorry if I'm in any way contributing to this. I hope you're not stretching yourself too thin. Good luck with whatever else is going on in your life. 

Dear You #10

Thanks for reading this blog post. Did you go through it trying to figure out whether any of these were directed at you? ('Cause that's totally what I would have done). I just want to clarify though that the nine people above aren't necessarily those I consider the most important people in my life. Some I don't even really know that well. They just happen to be people who make certain impressions spring to mind. 


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