Despite the fact that I've got a million and one things due in the upcoming weeks, I really really REALLY want to get out of the house right now. It's like this extreme desire to just go somewhere and talk to someone and I feel like if I don't get out, something bad is going to happen. It's not as if something's wrong with me or there's a big issue that I just can't deal with at the moment (although I will admit to little things getting me down and I guess some of these have just accumulated over the weeks). I just need to get out of here. I can't sit here in my room staring at all this work any longer because if I do, I really might go a bit insane. I don't even have to go anywhere fancy. I'm happy to just do a Maccas run right now if it'll take me away from here.
Do you guys ever get this feeling?
Edit: I saw this photo online a while ago and just wanted to re-post it here to thank you all for putting up with my shit.
Thanks for tolerating all the random stupid shit I post on this blog. I know some of you don't really bother reading it properly and just click on the link because it pops up on your dashboard but I don't care. Thanks for your presence. And if you've got a blog that I've somehow missed and neglected to follow, please let me know. I will read it and follow it religiously. (Same goes for blogs that have recently changed their urls - my dashboard tends to act up and not show post updates when this happens.)
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