

What do you guys think of the new hobbit trailer? I liked it but it didn't blow me away. It actually seemed a bit like a rehash of the first one; tons of CGI, epic dolly shots and action scene on top of action scene. Also, is it just me or are the Elven King's eyebrows strangely attractive?
They're like fat little caterpillars that I just want to reach out and stroke.
(All credit goes to push-pulse on deviantart - source
Eyebrow fetish aside, I am really excited for the return of Legolas. Whilst his eyebrows certainly aren't as glorious as Lee Pace's, he more than makes up for that in arrow-wielding skills. It's a bit of a bittersweet feeling though, having him back. I'm reminded of how much I miss Aragorn, Gimli and the rest of the gang. (There is so much irony in his statement of "Do not think I won't kill you, dwarf".) Maybe we'll get a bonus scene at the very end of the last movie with the original cast. Please Peter Jackson - get on this now!

Side note: whilst we're on the topic of blond men and interestingly-shaped eyebrows, has anyone ever watched/youtubed "David Bowie Magic Dance"? That shit is strange-as! I was talking to a bunch of people from uni and they said that The Labyrinth was one of their childhood favourites. I get that - I totally do. I used to watch Free Willy as a child and thought that was the greatest film ever made. So I'm not judging. But David Bowie dancing with puppets in a pair of tights just killed me and now I can't unsee it.

I've been practicing how to draw faces recently. One of my goals these holidays is to become more proficient in drawing. So far, it's not working out that great. My skills are abysmal and my faces look more like aliens who have undergone dodgy reconstructive surgery.

Here's an example:

Can you see what I mean? I think the eye is way out of proportion. and the lips are much too pursed. I also haven't figured out how to draw hair. All those little strands are the bane of my existence. And yes, I botched up the left side of the face (hence the mask).

I'm going to practice in order to get better at this. In the meanwhile, there's the nifty 'effects' tool on my phone which I will exploit in order to make my art look better than it actually is.

Psssh, I totally meant for it to turn out like that...


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