Coffee, cash and Daryl-freaking-Dixon

Random image of the day that is totally irrelevant to the rest of the post:

Student Edge knows that no one ever clicks on their emails so they've started resorting to desperate measures to get people opening their emails. Not gonna work Student Edge. Not gonna work.
I never talk about my days anymore. I think it's because trying to order my thoughts takes too much effort and I'd rather just do a post of 10 random things. According to my university lecturers, this is what happens when you live in a digitally connected, postmodern age. People become so used to consuming entertainment in short, small bites and checking their phones and laptops for notifications every 5 minutes that we lose the ability to sustain our interest for long periods of time. It's kind of true when you think about it. It's also why people are reading less and less. Speaking of reading:
If you really want to know though, today I went to a murder trial at the Supreme Court.
.... and that is all I'm going to say about that (because I don't want to get thrown in gaol for revealing court details).
What I can say though is that today, I realised that money - specifically the money you get from pursuing a career in law - is helluva sexy. Yes, I realize that is a very shallow comment but seriously, spend a day in St James just hanging around outside the Supreme Court and you will know what I mean. You can watch lawyers walk past in their black suits and silver Rolexes and secretly envy their wealth from afar. I mean, they work in a looming, glass high rise for crying out loud. These are people who, if they walk into a high security jewelry store, will have store clerks fawning over them within seconds. When I walk into jewelry stores, I get suspicious looks. But then again I'm a poor, short, Asian university student so it's not like I ever had a chance.
Money isn't everything I know. But it does make life a teeny bit more enjoyable, you have to admit. And on a side note, I was talking to a uni friend the other day and we decided that if things weren't improving in the romance department in communications, we would have to resort to desperate measures and sit in on a law lecture. Seriously people, the lack of males in communications is really worrying.
Speaking of communications, lately I've been teaching myself how to drink coffee. I'm actually a really big tea person but there seems to be an expectation, especially at UTS, that if you don't drink coffee, you've already failed the first step of being a communications student. (Reason #338 why Cynthia shouldn't even be in this field). So on Monday, I went to Gloria Jean's and ordered a café latte. It didn't taste bad per se...but I would pick the ice chocolate over it any day.

Don't lie to yourself Cynthia. You know deep down in your heart which one you'd rather prefer.

What else has been going on lately? Well I've started watching The Walking Dead again and THANK THE LORD FOR SEASON 3 OMG. I almost stopped watching the series because of season 2 (aka the season of stupidity and immobility). Why does no one ever have their priorities straight in this show? Who cares about your moral dramas and bitch fests? It's a zombie apocalypse! And for pete's sake, can y'all just get into the habit of looking over your shoulder every few minutes because I swear that's how the majority of the deaths have happened - stupid people forgetting to look over their shoulders after every fight.
Calling it now but badass Daryl-Motherfucking-Dixon is going to outlive everyone on the show. The final scene of the series will be him on a mountain surrounded by an endless supply of dead bunnies. I can see it already. 
Almost forgot to mention but I interviewed the girls from for one of my articles! They are so nice and friendly and perfect and ugh, I gotta stop now because this is getting embarrassing. And I love that they're just normal people like you and me, despite having achieved so much success in the creative industry for people our age. Anyway, check out their site and blog if you have time. 


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