Awkward Cynthia Strikes Again

Thursday and Friday did weird things to my self-esteem. On Thursday, I was told by my tutor in PR that she and the lecturer wanted to use my essay as an exemplar response for next semester. I felt happy because that was my first real academic achievement in university that went beyond just getting a good grade for an assignment. I didn't realise but I've missed feeling appreciated for doing good academically. The lack of recognition you get for doing anything at university kind of killed my drive to produce good quality work (it spat on and decimated it to be honest). Whereas in high school, teachers acted like I shat rainbows whenever I handed in a decent essay to encourage me to keep up the work ethic. I miss high school. Wait no, I just miss being fawned upon.

On Friday, my self esteem died a slow and painful death. Basically, I'd applied to become one of those helpers on orientation day at university. I'd gotten past the first stage (which was sending them your responses as to why you wanted to get in) and was now at the second - a group interview.

Basically I suck at interviews, have no natural charisma and everything that comes out of my mouth sounds fake and contrived. I bombed it epically. It was one hour of internal cringing at myself and admiration for all the other interviewees at being able to talk so confidently about themselves. Go Cynthia! Your awkwardness has once again prevailed.

Um yeah, so that was fun.

Uni aside, I didn't have that bad a week - mostly because of all the Halloween planning I got to do. I am so excited for this party - you don't even understand. It's probably a bad thing though. I've hyped it up so much in my mind but the reality will probably suck. And then Nancy and I will just spend the night in a corner drinking and pegging eyeball chocolates at people who walk past.

I also realised that on the Friday night before the Halloween party, I'm going to be at uni for one of my club/society parties. That's one less day of preparation I'm going to get. And seeing as how I'm a bit of a last minute person, I will probably regret that so much on Saturday.

Anyhow, here's another picture of how much stuff we bought on Thursday night. I wasn't kidding or joking when I uploaded it onto Facebook. People need to pay us back. Or we will be short a few hundred dollars.

Yes we even bought a broomstick. Problem?


Fiona at: October 26, 2013 at 10:14 AM said...

i feel your pain with group interviews haha.

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