"Echo" - Jason Walker


Hello blog, yes I am still alive and no I haven't ditched you for tumblr. Our relationship is much too deep for that.
I still think Australian TV is the shittiest thing to have ever happened to this planet so I started watching The Vampire Diaries again. Is that statement ironic? I don't know. It took me a while to get back into it and no surprise too, considering I stopped watching in like, 2010. It's okay despite being rather tame, and like most teen dramas, the actors are mighty easy on the eyes (like hello Michael Trevino!). However, it also feels a bit like a placeholder show while I wait for something better to come around. Any suggestions? I hear "Orange is the New Black" is worth checking out.
My blog views spiked in the last few days and I'm kind of freaked out, especially since I haven't posted anything in two weeks. When I see spikes like these, my mind automatically assumes it's one of two things: 1) either there has been a rise in a particular google search for an image that is on my blog or 2) people/students from either of my workplaces have discovered this space and sharing it around. Oh gosh, please don't be the latter.


Bobina Williams at: September 8, 2013 at 10:20 PM said...

Orange is the new black is the bomb diggety, I love it. Watch it, the characters are pretty well-made. Dude. Watch it.

Cynthia at: September 9, 2013 at 8:05 PM said...

Yeah? Okay, I am hearing so many good things about this show...

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