Plus, not all art is about a 70 x 95 cm canvas framed and hung on a white wall in a rectangular room. A lot of the stuff you find in galleries is interactive, or performance-based. Sometimes you end up in darkened rooms with a whole bunch of other people just staring at a video reel. Sometimes (or most of the time), it's weird and wacky and you find yourself staring at a pair of breasts on the floor (photographic evidence provided below). Sometimes, you walk into rooms where you think nothing's happening and then all of a sudden THIS LOUD HIGH PITCHED NOISE AND GLARING LIGHT SUDDENLY FILLS THE ROOM AND YOU'RE JUST LIKE OMG YOU NEARLY FUCKING KILLED ME OF FRIGHT YOU BASTARD ART CURATORS. I also have proof of this but cbf uploading it to blogger.
Anyhow, if there's anyone out there who wants to go to an art gallery with me, please let me know. Here are some photos of the art centre I visited in Melbourne. A lot of this stuff I don't really get but maybe for you, the polarization of corporal realities embodied by the vibrant hues and geometric pulses of Rothko's works will strike a chord of emotional resonance within your soul and you will find yourself...enlightened.
I don't even know.